0406 金色瑞典蘿蔔

Article code SL0406
Latin name Brassica rapa
Filling 2 g
Number of seeds ± 900
Germination duration ± 14
Sowing temperature ± 15ºC

Goldana is a turnip with attractive yellow  flesh. The attractive oval-shaped tubers grow quickly and have a delightful mild spicy taste. The leaves can also be eaten as turnip tops. When sown early in March to April the crop can sometimes run to seed, which means they start to  flower. Sowing later in July to August is therefore more certain. After the harvest ensilage the tubers and keep until winter. Grow each year in a different place. Use anti-insect nets to protect young plants against cabbage midge.

產地: 荷蘭

供應商: Garden Seeds
