0180 散葉生菜

Article code SL0180
Latin name Lactuca Sativa
Filling 5 g
Number of seeds ± 6500
Germination duration ± 10
Sowing temperature ± 18ºC

A fast-growing looseleaf lettuce with a cultivation manner that is different to the norm. In an unheated greenhouse can sometimes already be sown in rows as of mid February, early March. The row distance is approx. 15 cm. Sow fairly thickly. Take care when watering, as the delicate compact leaves are extra sensitive to smudge. Later sow in the same way outside. Harvest once the leaves are 10-15 cm long. They are therefore ideal for sowing in pots. Particularly suitable for spring and autumn cultivation.

產地: 荷蘭

供應商: Garden Seeds
